Third Friday Presents: The Northwest Ordinance and American Waterway Rights
Friday, February 21st at 7pm
The Northwest Ordinance was one of the most important pieces of legislation enacted by the newly created United States. It provided the template by which the original thirteen colonies would grow into fifty states.
On February 21st, Chicago Maritime Museum historian William Derrah discussed how, unlike the feudal customs of colonial governance, the Ordinance ensured democratization of waterway rights in the new lands.
Derrah joined the Chicago Maritime Society as a volunteer more than a decade ago to help with the museum’s burgeoning artifact collection. A University of Chicago geography major, Bill also holds a Master’s Degree in History Education. More recently, he completed the UofC Artifact Collection Care Certification Program so that he could better address CMM’s collection’s needs. Derrah is also a member of the Chicago Yacht Club’s Island Goat Society, having sailed more than 25 Chicago to Mackinac races.